Montag, 12. Februar 2024


WATCH: Liberty Movement Clashes Over Elon Musk, Transhumanism, MORE – Sunday Night Live
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Tune in NOW! Watch this special edition of Sunday Night Live and catch up on the world’s hottest stories: 

US Defense Chief Austin Hospitalized Again: Pentagon
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
To summarize: the commander-in-chief is "an elderly man with a poor memory" and his SecDef is in hospital... again... Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has been readmitted to hospital, the Pentagon said on Sunday afternoon. Pentagon Press Secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder gave an update on the defense leader’s condition, saying that the hospital admission had occurred early Sunday afternoon. “Today, at approximately 2:20 pm, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III was transported...

WATCH LIVE: The Alex Jones Show on Super Bowl Sunday! TUNE IN
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Distinguish yourself during the big game! Watch & share this LIVE broadcast! Owen Shroyer hosts The Alex Jones Show LIVE this Super Bowl Sunday! Tune in: 

Hillary Admits Biden’s Age Is “Legitimate Issue” As Trump Urges Mandatory Cognitive Tests For All Candidates
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
"I talk to people in the White House all the time, and you know, they know it’s an issue, but as I like to say, look, it’s a legitimate issue." …well, well, well, how the turn tables… Something just changed. Instead of an overwhelming avalanche of gaslit headlines and bullshit punditry projecting mental un-fitness on the opposition (as we have seen from every Democratic operative and mainstream media lackey over the past five years), it’s different this time – since special counsel Hur’s...

WATCH: Biden Blames Companies for “Shrinkflation” In Awkward Super Bowl Promo
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
“You know, when buying snacks for the game, you might have noticed one thing: Sports drink bottles are smaller. A bag of chips has fewer chips, but they’re still charging us just as much.” President Joe Biden just released a tone-deaf promotion for today’s Super Bowl where he blamed companies for ‘ripping off’ Americans trying to buy snacks for the big game. In a completely unasked-for critique of the economy, Biden reminded Americans of the “shrinkflation” they are all enduring...

Ramaswamy Claims Democrats Will Replace Biden With Michelle Obama
The People's Voice
Vivek Ramaswamy has doubled down on his claim that the Democrats will replace President Biden with Michelle Obama on their party’s ticket. The former GOP candidate said the Dems are one step closer to replacing [...] The post Ramaswamy Claims Democrats Will Replace Biden With Michelle Obama appeared first on The People's Voice.

Epstein’s Brother Says New Autopsy Photo Proves That Epstein Didn’t Commit Suicide
The People's Voice
The brother of Jeffrey Epstein has revealed a previously unreported autopsy photo and argues that it proves the convicted pedophile could not have killed himself. During an interview with US podcast host Megan Kelly on [...] The post Epstein’s Brother Says New Autopsy Photo Proves That Epstein Didn’t Commit Suicide appeared first on The People's Voice.

Peter Schiff: We Are On The Brink of A Catastrophe
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
As we stand at the crossroads of fiscal responsibility and economic fantasy, the choice is clear yet daunting. Ignoring the clarion call for immediate action in favor of complacency and political convenience not only jeopardizes our current economic stability but also mortgages the future of generations yet unborn. Jerome Powell’s 60 Minutes portrayal of the national debt crisis as a distant concern starkly contrasts with the urgent reality we face. Peter Schiff doesn’t mince words in...

Australia Plots Digital ID Launch For This Year
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
The controversial scheme could arrive as soon as this Summer. The Australian government is planning a nationwide digital ID launch, which is tentatively set for this year. While it could be delayed for logistical reasons, it’s clear that the government is fully intent on pushing a new digital ID agenda in the country. Having first entered Parliament last year, the Digital ID Bill in Australia finished its final stage at the end of January, garnering input from business...

Why There Were Trans Meltdowns Across Multiple DMVs in Florida
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
LGBT furious they can't change "gender" on driver’s licenses. Going to the DMV is already a pain in the neck. Imagine pulling into the parking lot and having it littered with transgender people holding a die-in. That’s what scores of these folks did at DMVs across Florida, protesting a new state law regarding gender on driver’s licenses. Trans folks will no longer be allowed to make those changes to their identification (via CBS News):  Amid what one critic...

It’s ‘Close To Criminal Neglect’ For Congress Not To Pass Ukraine Aid Bill Says Biden
The People's Voice
It would be “close to criminal neglect” for Congress not to pass billions of dollars in additional military aid to Ukraine according to President Biden. Biden made the remark to reporters on Friday during an [...] The post It’s ‘Close To Criminal Neglect’ For Congress Not To Pass Ukraine Aid Bill Says Biden appeared first on The People's Voice.

Honduran Gang Member Caught Illegally Crossing Northern Border After SIX Prior Deportations
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Known gangbanger with long rap sheet also wanted in Honduras to serve sentence for drug trafficking crimes A Honduran gang member with a lengthy rap sheet and six prior deportations was caught illegally crossing the Canadian border into the United States this month, authorities say. On February 1, a man identified only as a Honduran national was apprehended by border agents after he illegally reentered the U.S. near Newport, Vermont. The man is a known member of the...

“Germany Is In Really Big Trouble” – Perfect Storm of Terrible Trends Paints “Bleak” Picture
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
"Distress is spreading to other sectors" as globalist policies crush economic engine of Europe Things are not great in Germany. A confluence of economic stagnation, higher energy prices(due to anti-nuclear idiocy), and the highest corporate distress rates in Europe suggest Deutschland is in for a sharp contraction – a sentiment shared among fund managers, credit traders and crestfallen German executives moping around Davos last month, according to Bloomberg. The bad...

‘SCHUMER Act’ Would Require Pro-Ukraine Lawmakers to Serve on Front Lines
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Rep. Anna Paulina Luna has introduced a bill that would mandate members of Congress sign up for military service if they push for more aid to Ukraine Florida Representative Anna Paulina Luna (R) has introduced a bill that would mandate members of Congress sign up for military service if they push for more aid to Ukraine. Specifically, the bill as leaked says members of Congress would have to serve in active duty for at least six months. If a Member of Congress advocates...

Dutch MP: “If You Want to Control People, You Have to Control the CO2”
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
"Everything we do in life, breathing, living, traveling, eating, and everything we do in life leads to CO2 emissions," MP Rob Roos tells Del Bigtree As farmer protests rage across Europe, Dutch MP Rob Roos sits down with The HighWire’s Del Bigtree to discuss the climate scam pushed by radical globalist elites in the Western world to seize more power and control.  “They [elites] go against family values. They go against natural food. They go against freedom – because if you have...

More Americans Trust Trump Than Biden On Economy – Poll
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Third of Americans believe Biden's economic policies caused great damage to U.S. economy More Americans trust former US President Donald Trump’s economic policies more than those of current leader Joe Biden, according to a new poll. According to a poll by the Financial Times and the Stephen Ross School of Business at Michigan State University, a third of Americans believe that Biden’s economic policies caused great damage to the US economy. “The poll shows that 42 percent...

Two US Military Bases Under Fire in Eastern Syria – Sources
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
American facilities sitting on natural oil and gas fields in eastern Syria came under fire on Saturday Two US military facilities sitting on natural oil and gas fields in eastern Syria came under fire on Saturday, local Syrian sources told Sputnik.”Four missiles fell on the territory of a US base in Koniko,” a source said. The missile strike on the Koniko gas field in the Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor was followed by a drone attack on a US installation in the Omar oil field in...

Kremlin Explains Why Putin Spoke to Tucker Carlson
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Moscow saw the interview as an opportunity to be heard in the West, spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said Russian President Vladimir Putin’s interview with conservative American journalist Tucker Carlson this week provided a great opportunity to make people in the West think, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the TASS news agency on Saturday. Peskov suggested the two-hour interview, which largely revolved around relations between Moscow and Kiev, made it possible for Putin to be...

Bill Gates Orders Govt’s To Blacklist Citizens Who Share ‘Non-Mainstream’ Content Online
The People's Voice
Bill Gates’ Microsoft is now threatening to disable the computers of users who share so-called “misinformation” online as Bill Gates and the WEF continue gearing up for the 2024 election season in the only way [...] The post Bill Gates Orders Govt’s To Blacklist Citizens Who Share ‘Non-Mainstream’ Content Online appeared first on The People's Voice.

Infowars’ Owen Shroyer Taking Biden to Supreme Court for Destroying Free Speech
The People's Voice
Infowars host Owen Shroyer has announced plans to take the Biden administration to the Supreme Court for violating the First Amendment rights of ordinary Americans. Last week, Shroyer had his J6 appeal dismissed. In response, [...] The post Infowars’ Owen Shroyer Taking Biden to Supreme Court for Destroying Free Speech appeared first on The People's Voice.

Rand Paul Vows To Block Ukraine Aid: “They’re Scamming the American People”
The People's Voice
Senator Rand Paul has vowed to block the emergency funding bill that includes over $60 billion for Ukraine aid due to the fact that the Ukrainian government are “scamming the American people.” “I think we [...] The post Rand Paul Vows To Block Ukraine Aid: “They’re Scamming the American People” appeared first on The People's Voice.

British Gov’t Makes Whistleblowing Illegal Under New Anti-Terror Laws
The People's Voice
The British government has quietly passed a draconian new law that makes whistleblowing illegal in the United Kingdom. The new act means that citizens and journalists could face prison if they “undermine the British government.” [...] The post British Gov’t Makes Whistleblowing Illegal Under New Anti-Terror Laws appeared first on The People's Voice.

Millions of Americans ‘Preparing for Apocalypse’ As Mass Food Shortages Reach Unprecedented Levels
The People's Voice
Hundreds of millions of people around the world are “facing chronic starvation,” and that number is set to become billions in the next few years. According to the UN’s World Food Program, “a food shortage of [...] The post Millions of Americans ‘Preparing for Apocalypse’ As Mass Food Shortages Reach Unprecedented Levels appeared first on The People's Voice.

Poll Shows Biden Border Policy Has Backfired With Latinos
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
All of this suggests that a majority of Latinos, and at least a significant plurality of the rest of Americans, want the government to control the border but at the same time want a more rational system to process new immigrants and those who are already here. A poll by the University of Houston was released last week on the prospects for the March primary elections and the November general election in Texas. The poll unsurprisingly projected that Biden and Trump were headed to...

Bill Gates Planning for “Pandemic 2,” Complete With New Vaccines Administered From ‘a Little Patch”
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Whether from a needle or from a patch, poison is still poison, it is important to note. Injected poison is arguably worse as it bypasses the body's natural defense mechanisms, but surely Gates has thought of that, too, and will make the patches just as, or perhaps more, toxic than their needle counterparts. The vaccine racket is losing steam, so billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates has come up with a new design for vaccines that involves “a little patch” being slapped on a person’s skin. ...

Alex Jones Warns: “Russia & the American People Have A Common Enemy”
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
"The globalists that are at war with me and my family are also at war with Russia and other independent nations around the world!" Alex Jones reveals why he’s against war with Russia and explains how fighting for peace and Team Humanity is the only way forward against globalism: The American people have the same enemy as Russia. I stand against WW3!— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) February 10, 2024 “I understand that the globalists and corporate...

Animal Rights Group Say Merry Go Round Horses ‘Celebrates The Exploitation’ Of Animals
The People's Voice
Animal rights group PETA has sparked outrage after calling for children’s merry-go-rounds to stop using animal themes because it ‘unintentionally celebrates the exploitation’ of animals. According to the animal rights organization using the pretend horses [...] The post Animal Rights Group Say Merry Go Round Horses ‘Celebrates The Exploitation’ Of Animals appeared first on The People's Voice.


Alex Jones Issues Emergency Warning: Globalists Planning Race-Based Civil War When Trump Is President-Elect Infowars: There's a War on f...