Dienstag, 26. März 2024


Bill Gates Study ‘Predicts’ Sudden and Irreversible Global Population Collapse
The People's Voice
A major new study funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation found that the global population is set to collapse due to “reduced fertility rates” in Western countries. The study, published in the medical journal [...] The post Bill Gates Study ‘Predicts’ Sudden and Irreversible Global Population Collapse appeared first on The People's Voice.

Man Confronts Anderson Cooper For Pushing Pfizer Jabs: ‘You Are a Mass Serial Killer’
The People's Voice
CNN host and Pfizer spokesperson Anderson Cooper was confronted by a man who accused him of being a “mass serial killer” for pushing Pfizer vaccinations and asking “how do you sleep at night?” In the [...] The post Man Confronts Anderson Cooper For Pushing Pfizer Jabs: ‘You Are a Mass Serial Killer’ appeared first on The People's Voice.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Who Called the Unvaxxed ‘Schmucks,’ Has Pacemaker Installed After 3 Open Heart Surgeries
The People's Voice
Hollywood veteran Arnold Schwarzenegger was one of the most outspoken pro-vaccine advocates during the Covid-19 pandemic, regularly taking to social media to hurl insults at the unvaccinated. According to Schwarzenegger, those who chose to exercise [...] The post Arnold Schwarzenegger, Who Called the Unvaxxed ‘Schmucks,’ Has Pacemaker Installed After 3 Open Heart Surgeries appeared first on The People's Voice.

Angry Farmers Stage ‘Go-Slow’ Tractor Convoy Around London Parliament to Protest Government
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Demonstrators led chants of 'No Farmers, No Food' outside parliament in Westminster. Farmers upset over government regulations harming the farming industry staged a protest in Central London Monday, with over 100 tractors joining in the demonstration outside parliament square. Footage shows tractors traversing the streets of Westminster as part of the Fairness for British Farmers protests organized by the group Save British Farming. Demonstrators led chants of “No Farmers,...

‘All Lies Will Be Exposed’: Katt Williams Warned Celebrities Involved in Sex Trafficking Will ‘Catch Hell in 2024’
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Did comedian predict Diddy's downfall? Comedian Katt Williams went off on celebrities caught up in the dark underworld of sex trafficking, claiming in January that 2024 will be the year when they face justice. In an interview on the Club Shay Shay podcast, Williams described how he’d been gathering intel on his celebrity cohorts involved in shady activities like sex trafficking and predicted that 2024 would be when truth comes to light. “It’s God’s side and the other side. We don’t...

Investigative Journalist Reports Live From Palestinian Genocide In Gaza
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Hala Jaber joins Alex Jones to discuss the Israel-Hamas war that has now targeted the Palestinian people. Hala Jaber joins Alex Jones to discuss the Israel-Hamas war that now appears to have devolved into a full-blown genocide. 

Diddy Do It? Sean Combs Homes In LA, Miami Simultaneously Raided By Homeland Security
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Combs has been accused of several crimes, including one lodged by an anonymous woman who claims that he and two friends sexually assaulted her when she was 17. Two homes located in Los Angeles and Miami owned by Sean “Diddy” Combs were raided by Homeland Security Monday in connection with a federal investigation into sex trafficking, sexual assault, and the solicitation and distribution of illegal narcotics and firearms. In video circulating online, law enforcement officers can...

Video: Illegal Alien Cuts Fence to Allow Horde of Border Crossers Into U.S. — But National Guard Stops It
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
What does this illegal alien and the DHS have in common? They both cut razor wire to allow more migrants in. An illegal alien was caught on video breaching a border fence with bolt cutters to allow a group of illegals to cross, only to be intercepted and sent back to Mexico by the National Guard. The illegal was seen cutting through and pulling apart the razor wire fencing near El Paso, Texas, where a stream of invaders began to pour into the U.S. before National Guard troops blocked...

Watch: ‘Yellowstone’ Actor ‘Kicked Off’ Flight After Refusing to Sit Next To Mask-Wearing Passenger
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
'I just told them I didn't feel comfortable about sitting next to someone that had to wear a mask -- and I'm off the plane,' says actor Forrie J. Smith. An actor on the hit series Yellowstone says he was booted off a flight after complaining he didn’t want to sit near a passenger who was wearing a face mask. Actor Forrie J. Smith, who plays ranch hand Lloyd Pierce in the western-themed Paramount series, posted a video to Instagram from an airport in Houston, Texas, over the weekend,...

Putin: ‘Radical Islamists’ Carried out Moscow Terror Attack
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
The Russian president still suspects that Ukraine was complicit in the tragedy. Russia knows who carried out the Crocus City attack but is now investigating who gave the order, President Vladimir Putin said on Monday, pointing to Ukraine as being the likely culprit. “This attack was carried out by radical Islamists,” Putin said in the opening remarks at a video call with law enforcement officials.  The US and its allies are now trying to cover for their proxies in Kiev,...

The Meltdown of Commercial Real Estate
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
The Fed’s yo-yo interest rates first flooded real estate with low rates and cheap money. Which were overbuilt. In case you’ve still got money in a bank, Bloomberg is warning that defaults in commercial real estate loans could “topple” hundreds of US banks. Leaving taxpayers on the hook for trillions in losses. The note, by Senior Editor James Crombie, walks us through the festering hellscape that is commercial real estate. To set the mood, a new study predicts that...

Dollar Down 20% Since 2020, Biden Blames Greed
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
The ongoing price increases largely reflect growth in prices for food, services, electricity, and shelter. Assuming CPI measurements are not understatements, the dollar’s value has plummeted by a staggering one-fifth since 2020, yet, rather than acknowledging its role in fueling this economic turmoil, the Biden administration deflects, casting capitalism and corporate greed as the villains. The latest February CPI data show more signs of the upcoming inflation bloodbath. The following...

Watch: Trump Slams ‘Biden & Thugs’ for ‘Election Interference’ As He Leaves NY Court
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Asked what his collateral on his bond would be, Trump in epic fashion turned to cameras and simply replied, 'Cash.' Former President Donald Trump spoke to reporters Monday outside a New York City courtroom discussing recent developments in his ongoing kangaroo court show trials. Trump didn’t mince words blasting his mounting legal entanglements as “election interference” by his opponents in the Democrat party intended to hamstring his re-election bid. Asked what his collateral...

Two Cheers for Vivek Ramaswamy for His Commentary on the Fed
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
"Beginning in the late 1990s, the Fed’s scope drifted to include 'smoothing out' business cycles. This was a mistake, since business cycles serve a healthy function by transferring the assets and employees of poorly run companies to more capable management. Even worse, the Fed’s actions often exacerbated business cycles by creating transitions that create boom-bust-bailout cycles instead." The 2024 presidential primaries have never been in much doubt, but Vivek Ramaswamy emerged from his...

Watch: Kathy Griffin Show Protested in NY by Trump Supporters
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Convoy of MAGA supporters held protest outside venue hosting TDS-suffering comedian. Fired-up MAGA supporters protested a Kathy Griffin comedy show in Long Island, New York, on Sunday, mocking the anti-Donald Trump comic over an unhinged publicity stunt years ago where she took photos holding a bloody decapitated Trump head. A convoy of Pro-Trumpers held a parade outside the Paramount in Huntington ahead of Griffin’s appearance, honking their horns as they drove past the venue, with their...

Russia’s Price Paid By NATO’s WW3
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Two weeks ago, the U.S. embassy in Russia warned that "extremists" had imminent plans for an attack in Moscow. At least 133 people have been reported killed of which only 50 have been identified and over 145 injured after camouflaged gunmen opened fire on concert goers in the massive music complex Crocus City Hall west of Moscow. In October 2023, Amir Weitmann, a prominent member of Israel’s ruling Likud Party went off the rails as Weitmann claimed that “Russia will...

Carville: ‘Too Many Preachy Females’ are ‘Dominating Culture of Democratic Party’
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Far-left Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez lashed out at the top Democrat strategist's comments, of course. Top Democratic strategist James Carville lamented Sunday that “preachy females” have taken control over his party. In an interview with New York Times opinion columnist Maureen Dowd, Carville expressed his concern that the culture of the Democratic Party risks alienating groups of Biden supporters, namely males. “A suspicion of mine is that there are too many preachy...

Ron Paul: Congressional Omnibus is Like a Bad Hollywood Movie Sequel
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
'In the end, the bill only passed the Republican-controlled House with the support of Democrats, fueling a growing rebellion against Speaker Johnson among House conservatives.' This weekend’s late-night spending vote in Congress seems like another in an endless series of sequels to a bad suspense movie. Just at the brink of “disaster,” just before the stroke of midnight, Congress pulls off a miracle and passes an omnibus bill to save us from a “government shutdown!” The heroes...

Terrorist Attack on Russia Has USA Fingerprints All Over It
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Al-Qaeda was created by Western intelligence to fight the Russians, and has been used as a catalyst for illegal wars and tyrannical laws ever since. Over a hundred people were murdered in Russia on Friday. Including women and children. Eleven terrorists were captured by Russian authorities as they attempted to cross the border into Ukraine. They are being interrogated and all roads lead to the US State department, who have been directing Ukrainian forces since their 2014 coup. ...

Trump Bond Reduced to $175 Million at 11th Hour
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
The decision by a five-judge panel of appellate court judges, comes after the real estate mogul claimed he would have to sell properties in a "fire sale" to raise cash. A New York court of appeals has significantly reduced the bond required to stop his properties from being seized by authorities from $464 million to $175 million, in order to appeal his New York civil fraud trial. The decision by a five-judge panel of appellate court judges, comes after the real estate mogul claimed...

US Army Now Seeking Retirees to Return to Work Amid Recruiting Crisis
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Critics slam development: "They're trying to screw over veterans." The army is seeking to bring retired soldiers back to work, according to a service-wide directive published last week. “The All Army Activities (ALARACT) document describes how Army retirees can find and apply for open positions and aims to maintain a sufficient number of personnel to fill all of the Army’s authorized positions,” reported The Daily Caller Friday. “The message comes as the service has publicly acknowledged...

Kamala Harris Smiles & Claps Along To Protest Song Before Realizing It Was Aimed At Her!
The People's Voice
Kamala Harris has been mocked online after she was seen happily clapping along to a Spanish protest song…. before awkwardly realising that the song was in protest against her During her visit to Puerto Rico [...] The post Kamala Harris Smiles & Claps Along To Protest Song Before Realizing It Was Aimed At Her! appeared first on The People's Voice.

FAA Issues Warning For Air Travel Disruptions During April’s Total Solar Eclipse
The People's Voice
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) have issued a warning about potential disruptions in air travel due to the upcoming total solar eclipse on April 8. The celestial event is set to cast a path of [...] The post FAA Issues Warning For Air Travel Disruptions During April’s Total Solar Eclipse appeared first on The People's Voice.

France Raises Terror Alert Warning To Highest Level After Moscow Massacre
The People's Voice
France has raised the country’s terrorist alert to the highest level following the attack on a packed music venue in Russia, where at least 137 people were killed. France’s terror alert system has three levels. [...] The post France Raises Terror Alert Warning To Highest Level After Moscow Massacre appeared first on The People's Voice.

Despite Obama’s Warning, Biden’s Campaign Is In Trouble
The People's Voice
It looks like it’s time for the Biden campaign to start panicking… Joe Biden is rapidly losing the Latino vote and the support of younger Americans, even after Barack Obama ‘warned’ the Biden campaign last [...] The post Despite Obama’s Warning, Biden’s Campaign Is In Trouble appeared first on The People's Voice.

BREAKING: Globalist Insider Exposes New World Order Plan To Kill 7 Billion People
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
The central bankers who are at the top of the global power structure are planning depopulation for their endgame. Alex Jones discussed a two-decade old interview of former investment banker George Green, where he discussed how the globalist bankers manipulate currency and markets to create a massive economic collapse ahead of global depopulation. “It’s going to be worse than ’29,” Green said in regards to the upcoming financial cataclysm. The banker went on to discuss...

A Wave of Censorship is Coming Ahead of The European Elections
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Facebook (Meta) will use Soros-funded NGOs as an army of internet censors for the upcoming elections to the European Parliament. It isn’t just political parties that are getting ready for the European elections. Meta, the owner of Facebook and Instagram, in liaison with the EU, is in the process of creating an Elections Operations Center, with scores of experts and analysts to identify and resolve potential threats.  The center will monitor cyberspace for disinformation, manipulation,...

Freedom of Speech Dead? German Businessman Fined €6,000 For Billboard Mocking Green Party Politicians
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
A businessman is facing a €6,000 fine for putting up a political banner on his own property mocking left-wing politicians. A 52-year-old German entrepreneur has been fined for putting up a political billboard depicting Green party politicians in a negative light.  The billboard, which was erected in front of the house of German businessman Michael Much, mocked the top Green party heads. Green Party leader Ricarda Lang is pictured on a concrete roller, while Economics Minister Robert...

War Correspondent Michael Yon Warns Russian Style Terror Attacks Coming to America
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Reporters covering the open border discuss the terrorist threat stemming from letting in absolutely anyone from anywhere. Two investigative reporters, Michael Yon and Ann Vandersteel joined the Sunday Alex Jones Show to give their analysis on the terror attack in Moscow, as well as discuss the three’s predictions of future terror attacks within the U.S. due to it’s open southern border. “The sleeper cells are here, what we just saw in Russia is a prelude,” Jones said. ...

Monday LIVE: Moscow Terror Updates, Worldwide Surge In Cancer, Border Invasion, Trump Bond Drastically Reduced — Alex Jones Breaks Exclusive Intel on World’s Hottest Events
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Alex Jones is LIVE right now taking YOUR calls & delivering full-spectrum coverage of breaking news and exclusive information! Watch & share this explosive edition of the most banned broadcast in the world: Alex Jones has returned to X! Follow him at @RealAlexJones! Secure a limited edition autographed copy of Alex Jones’ latest book ‘The Great Awakening’ TODAY! Alex Jones joins Mug Club! Be a part of this new era by channeling your support HERE at JonesCrowder.com and...

Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun Plans to Step Down Following 737 Max Crisis
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Last week, executives from major airlines spoke with Boeing's board to express frustrations over quality control issues in the manufacturing process. After a series of aviation mishaps, including the door plug that ripped off an Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 Max jet earlier this year and other 737 and 777 incidents in recent weeks, coupled with intensified oversight from federal regulatory bodies, Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun is stepping down at the end of the year.  “As you all know,...

FDA Issues Urgent Warning: ‘Higher Risk of Deadly Seizures in Toddlers After COVID Vaccination’
The People's Voice
Toddlers and young children are at risk of suffering from deadly seizures shortly after COVID-19 vaccination, according to an urgent warning issued by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The occurrence of febrile seizures [...] The post FDA Issues Urgent Warning: ‘Higher Risk of Deadly Seizures in Toddlers After COVID Vaccination’ appeared first on The People's Voice.

Shakespeare Plays Officially Labelled ‘Hate Speech’ by UK Gov’t
The People's Voice
The British government has declared that William Shakespeare’s work is “racist, sexist, and ableist” and should therefore not be celebrated in schools or theatre’s. According to a taxpayer funded study by the University of Roehampton, [...] The post Shakespeare Plays Officially Labelled ‘Hate Speech’ by UK Gov’t appeared first on The People's Voice.

Jack Posobiec Responds Live On-Air to The Moscow Terror Attacks
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
The terrorist attack in Moscow is only the beginning of the next phase of the war against Russia, experts warn. Geopolitical analyst and talkshow host Jack Posobiec joined the Sunday Alex Jones Show to discuss the wider implications of the Moscow terror attack. “The issue is that Russia hasn’t taken the bait yet, they want Russia to roll into Western Ukraine, to roll into Transnistria, to roll into a NATO neighbor whether it’s Finland, or whether it’s Poland, one of the Baltic...

A Baby In a Mother’s Womb ‘Is a Parasite,’ Claims Polish Gynecologist
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
A female Polish doctor called a baby in a mother’s womb “a parasite” during an appearance on a popular internet TV channel’s debate on abortion. During a debate on abortion organized by web channel Zero, Dr. Anna Orawiec, a gynecologist, likened pregnancy to a form of parasitism that women consciously decide to engage in.  “From the point of view of biology, parasitism is a situation in which one organism takes from another and gives nothing in return. Pregnancy is such a situation...

Surgeons Achieve ‘Groundbreaking’ Pig-to-Human Kidney Transplant
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Genetically modified pig parts now being implanted into humans. A gene-editing tool has enhanced pig-to-human kidney compatibility, signaling major advances for patients with terminal health conditions. Doctors at Massachusetts General Hospital have reached a medical milestone by transplanting a genetically modified pig kidney into a 62-year-old man who was suffering from advanced renal failure. The four-hour procedure performed on March 16 marks a pivotal advancement...

France Raises Terrorism Threat Level
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
The alert has been increased since gunmen killed over 130 people in Russia. France has raised the terrorism alert level across the country following an attack on a packed music venue in Russia, which left 137 people dead. On Friday, four men opened fire inside Crocus City Hall outside Moscow and set the building ablaze. All of the terrorists were later detained while attempting to flee by car in the direction of the Ukrainian border, according to President Vladimir Putin. ...

Which Global Brands Are Most Associated With Ramadan?
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
The Islamic takeover of the West is in full swing throughout the big woke corporations. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting, prayer, reflection, and community. And despite it being first and foremost a spiritual period, business activity in certain sectors – food, retail, and entertainment – tends to rise in Muslim-majority countries. As a result, some global brands have begun to see this period as an...

Pope Says Not Taking The Covid Vaccine is an Act of Suicide, Refuses To Condemn Transhumanism mRNA Vaccine Tech
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Four years later, Pope Francis continues to push dangerous covid-19 vaccines. From the very beginning of the covid-19 scandal, Pope Francis made it clear that he is a virtue-signaling coward who worships every decree of propaganda put forth by the World Economic Forum, (WEF) the World Health Organization, (WHO) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. At the height of the propaganda, Francis promoted lockdowns, mandates, social distancing restrictions and ultimately vaccine passports. His...

Germany: 5 Pakistani Family Members Arrested After Setting Fire to Their Own House And Then Blaming ‘Nazis’
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
The Pakistani family was described as “well-integrated” by the town’s left-wing mayor. Now, they are accused of burning down their own house for insurance money. In December of last year, the story broke in Germany of a Pakistani family targeted in an arson attack by right-wing extremists on Christmas Day. It had the makings of a perfect story for use by the left, including “Nazis” targeting an innocent foreign family on Christmas day. Police now say it was all a lie and that the...

Ukraine Likely Had Prior Knowledge of Moscow Terrorist Threat
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Political and military analyst Sergey Poletaev pointed out that the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) officially announced that the suspected terrorists had contacts in Ukraine. A group of gunmen opened fire at a concert venue in Moscow on the evening of March 22, killing over 100 people and setting fire to the building. Eleven suspects have been detained by Russian security services in relation to the terrorist attack, including the four suspected perpetrators who were apprehended...

China Blocks Use of Intel, AMD Chips in Government Computers
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
While China is blocking the US-branded chips, the US still uses Chinese-manufactured chips in it's systems. After the US took several steps to prevent Chinese companies from acquiring both the latest Nvidia AI chips as well as Europe’s semiconductor titan ASML from sending its advanced chipmaking machines to Beijing (which resulted in a one-time flood of Chinese orders into both ASML and NVDA ahead of the sales ban which the market assumed was a recurring thing and priced out Nvidia revenue...

Pope Francis Declares ‘God Hates Antivaxxers’
The People's Voice
Pope Francis has warned that Christians who refuse to take the dangerous mRNA vaccine are ‘heretics’ who will be judged harshly by God. In a newly released memoir, Francis was interviewed by journalist Fabio Marchese [...] The post Pope Francis Declares ‘God Hates Antivaxxers’ appeared first on The People's Voice.

Rolling Stone: Democrats Planning To Rig Election ‘To Protect Democracy’
The People's Voice
Democrats are so worried that Trump will win the 2024 election that they’re working on stealing it first to “protect democracy.” A Rolling Stone article published on Sunday boasted that the Biden regime are “creating [...] The post Rolling Stone: Democrats Planning To Rig Election ‘To Protect Democracy’ appeared first on The People's Voice.

Ukrainian Bar Mocks Deadly Moscow Concert Hall Attack
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
A bar in Kiev, known for its highly politicized and controversial menu, is now selling a new snack set ridiculing the Crocus City Hall massacre that left over 130 dead. The ‘art-bar’ Ofenziva (‘Offensive’), located in Kiev, has introduced a new item to its controversial menu, mocking the deadly weekend terrorist attack on Moscow’s Crocus City concert hall. The attack has claimed the lives of at least 133 people, though the search for victims is still ongoing and the death toll is expected...

Trump in Final Countdown to Post $464 Million Bond by Monday
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
If Trump can't secure the bond, New York state officials can begin the arduous process of taking his assets. Donald Trump has until Monday to come up with more than $450 million to stop his properties from being seized by authorities following the results of his New York civil fraud trial. According to the ruling by Judge Arthur Engoron, Trump and executives at the Trump Organization inflated his assets. Initially, NY Attorney General Letitia James sought $250 million in damages...

Russian Forces Carry Out Strike Against Ukrainian Energy Facilities
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
The operation hit electric power facilities, gas production facilities, and assembly and testing sites for unmanned boats. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Russian Ministry of Defense reported on the progress of special military operation.  The Russian aerospace forces carried out high-precision missile and drone strikes on Ukrainian power facilities over the past 24 hours, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Sunday. “Tonight, the Russian Aerospace Forces launched a group strike...

Israel Ready to Release Over 700 Palestinians
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
The inmates could be exchanged for 40 Israeli hostages held by Hamas, reports say. Israel has agreed to release between 700 and 800 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for 40 hostages still held by Hamas, Israeli media reported on Sunday, citing officials familiar with the matter. If successful, the swap would be part of a potential US-brokered ceasefire deal aimed at suspending the fighting between Israel and Hamas, which has entered its fifth month. According to Channel 12 and...

TIME To Panic: Joe Biden’s Campaign “In Trouble” Despite Obama Warning
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Biden is quickly losing the support of young Americans, and the latino vote. “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.” –Barack Obama With less than eight months before the 2024 election, the Biden re-election campaign is in big trouble. Not only is Biden lagging in the polls vs. Donald Trump, the border crisis he created by shredding all of Trump’s Executive Orders on immigration has resulted in 10 million illegals flooding into the United States – which has left even...

Ruins of Yugoslavia: How Russia Learned That NATO Poses a Threat
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
The US-led military bloc’s illegal strikes on Belgrade in the spring of 1999 forever changed relations between the West and Moscow. On March 24, 1999, student Elena Milincic was at home with her sister and a friend in Belgrade. Suddenly, the quiet evening was interrupted by an air-raid siren. The girls quickly hid under a table. It wasn’t the safest place, but they had gotten lucky – their part of the city wasn’t attacked.  Over the next 77 days, these girls and other Belgrade...

Moscow Terror Attack Suspects Hauled Before Court, One Literally Unconscious
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Thus far, terrorism charges have been levelled against 32-year-old Dalerdzhon Mirzoyev, who faces a life sentence if found guilty. Update(2235ET): Images widely circulated Sunday showing the Moscow concert hall terror attack suspects being hauled before court. One of them was literally unconscious as clearly they have been severely roughed up – and likely tortured – by security services. Russian authorities haven’t been shy about this considering the number of videos now circulating showing...


Alex Jones Issues Emergency Warning: Globalists Planning Race-Based Civil War When Trump Is President-Elect Infowars: There's a War on f...