Donnerstag, 27. Juni 2024


Woman Kicked Off United Airlines Flight For ‘Misgendering’ Flight Attendant: ‘Hate Crime’
The People's Voice
A woman traveling on United Airlines has been kicked off the flight along with her baby and elderly mother because she made the mistake of “misgendering” a stewardess. “I’ll tell you what happened right now. [...] The post Woman Kicked Off United Airlines Flight For ‘Misgendering’ Flight Attendant: ‘Hate Crime’ appeared first on The People's Voice.

Denmark Introduces World’s First Carbon Tax Targeting Farts and Burps of Livestock
The People's Voice
Danish farmers have been warned the farts and burps of the cows, sheep and pigs will be measured and taxed from 2030 as the WEF-infiltrated nation becomes the first in the world to levy a [...] The post Denmark Introduces World’s First Carbon Tax Targeting Farts and Burps of Livestock appeared first on The People's Voice.

EXPLOSIVE: Tucker Dismantles Liberal Aussie Journo Claiming He Pushed ‘Great Replacement Theory’
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
"How do they get people this stupid in the media?" Tucker asked. Tucker Carlson took an Australian journalist to task after the reporter falsely alleged the former Fox News host had promoted the Great Replacement Theory claiming white people are being replaced by minorities. In a tense exchange during an event at the Hyatt Hotel Canberra in Yarralumla, Australia, Tuesday, an Australian Associated Press reporter insisted Carlson had previously espoused the theory, which the host...

Video: Living Human Skin Used to Create Creepy Smiling Face for Robot
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Synthetic skin created using human cells and ligaments would enable robots to show emotion through facial expressions. Scientists are using living human skin as a building material to create faces for robots that would enable them to show emotions, unnerving footage shows. A video shows the skin attached to a robot prototype forcing a pink lifeless blob with eyes to suddenly light up with a smile. Welcome to the creepy future: A smiling face made from living human skin...

Tennessee Sec. of State Asks Voters to Prove Citizenship Ahead of Election — Democrats Freak Out!
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Democrats demand investigation into Sec. of State Tre Hargett for sending letter to 14,000 voters asking for proof of citizenship. Outraged Democrats are demanding an investigation into Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett for asking thousands of voters to provide proof of citizenship ahead of the presidential election in November. The Tennessee Secretary of State’s Office confirmed the Division of Elections in June sent out more than 14,000 letters questioning the citizenship status...

WATCH: Nick Fuentes Talks Civil War, WWIII & Probability of Trump Assassination With Alex Jones
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Watch & share this mega-viral encounter! Controversial firebrand Nick Fuentes joined Alex Jones Wednesday to discuss the world’s hottest issues including the war in Ukraine, Israel, the invasion at America’s border, Biden’s destruction of the middle the middle class, and what to expect ahead of the 2024 presidential election: Don’t miss: MUST WATCH: Dr. David Martin Interview — U.S. Gov. Is Coordinating A Depopulation Program Against The World ...

ICC Insider: Arrest Warrants Issued for Elites Who Committed ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ 
The People's Voice
A consortium of world leaders are preparing the prosecution against the global authoritarian elite who tried to depopulate the world during the Covid plandemic. According to insiders at the International Criminal Court, the European Union, [...] The post ICC Insider: Arrest Warrants Issued for Elites Who Committed ‘Crimes Against Humanity’  appeared first on The People's Voice.

Mom, Baby & Grandma Left Stranded At Airport Without Meds After United Airlines Booted Family Off Flight For Calling Flight Attendant Wrong Pronoun
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Triggered leftists turn woman's flight into a nightmare. Jenna Longoria, a functional nutritionist known as the Period Guru, posted a video going viral online where she claims United Airlines kicked her family off their flight when staff became triggered she accidentally addressed a flight attendant using the “wrong pronoun.” My 16-month old & I were denied entry on a @united flight back to Austin bc I used the wrong pronoun for the attendant. We have no luggage, nothing. we’re...

DHS Identifies 400+ Illegal Aliens Smuggled to U.S. by ISIS-Linked Human Trafficking Network — Over 50 Still At Large!
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
DHS officials claim only 150 of the 400 ISIS-affiliated illegals have since been found and arrested in communities nationwide. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has identified over 400 illegal aliens who were brought into the U.S. by a smuggling network affiliated with jihadist terror group ISIS. 150 of the 400 illegals have since been found and arrested in communities nationwide, but the whereabouts of 50 others are unknown and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)...

Watch: Struggling Canadians Sound Alarm on SKYROCKETING Grocery Prices
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Canucks reveal they're suffering the same inflation dilemma as Americans when it comes to rising grocery costs. Similar to the United States, America’s neighbors to the north are seeing grocery prices at supermarkets shoot through the roof, prompting Canadians to document their grievances on social media. In one shocking video, a woman complains over the $220 cost of a few days worth of groceries purchased. #WATCH: Canadian woman says she paid $220 for 3 bags of groceries....

FALSE FLAG ALERT! Russian MOD Warns USA Set To Release Avian Bioweapon Ahead Of 2024 Election, Blame New Pandemic On Putin
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Kremlin suggests MASSIVE false flag incoming! Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, Chief of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, issued a video briefing this week claiming the United States may soon launch a biological false flag to blame on the Kremlin. The U.S. military veteran and researcher known as WarClandestine on X posted a segment of the Kirillov statement, explaining the new report alleges the Pentagon relocated...

Furious Vaxxed Are Blaming the Unvaccinated For Their Health Problems: ‘Why Didn’t You Warn Us?’
The People's Voice
As the vaccinated population faces the disastrous health consequences of the mRNA vaccine roll-out, one question is becoming more common: Why did the unvaccinated not play a more proactive role in alerting the world to [...] The post Furious Vaxxed Are Blaming the Unvaccinated For Their Health Problems: ‘Why Didn’t You Warn Us?’ appeared first on The People's Voice.

Disgusting: Whoopi Goldberg Spits On ‘View’ Set After Saying Trump’s Name
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Seething host directs foul gesture at former president, in example of vile leftist propaganda on mainstream corporate networks. The View co-host Whoopi Goldberg made an obscene gesture during a recent broadcast in reference to presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. Claiming Joe Biden will know how to handle Trump during the upcoming debate despite the former president’s masterful argumentative skills, Goldberg went on to grotesquely spit after mentioning the...

Millionaire Biden Treasury Secretary Yellen Gaslights Americans On High Grocery Bills
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Wealthy elitists are out of touch with reality. Biden administration Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, who was worth an estimated $20 million three years ago, told a Yahoo Finance reporter this week she hasn’t noticed the insane hike in grocery prices. REPORTER: "Have you been to the grocery store lately?" YELLEN: "I sure have. I go every week." REPORTER: "It's sticker shock, isn't it?!" YELLEN: "No!" *Her net worth is $20 million— Breaking911 (@Breaking911)...

Read SCOTUS Justice Alito’s Dissenting Opinion Criticizing Gov’t Effort to Control Free Speech in Monumental Case
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
'If the lower courts’ assessment of the voluminous record is correct, this is one of the most important free speech cases to reach this Court in years,' says Alito. Justice Samuel Alito delivered a blistering dissenting opinion in a recent 6-3 Supreme Court decision allowing the federal government to request social media companies to censor users. While Justice Amy Coney Barrett argued in the court’s majority opinion the plaintiffs hadn’t established proper standing to seek an...

Banning Fossil Fuels Will Make Heat Waves More Dangerous, Not Less
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
The media has had a field day showing scary red maps and bringing on hysterical “experts” to terrify audiences into thinking it’s only a matter of time before we’re all roasting to death. On Sunday, activists from the environmentalist organization Extinction Rebellion stormed the green in the final, pivotal moments of the Travelers Championship, a professional golf tournament. The protesters tossed red and white chalk and smoke bombs before being tackled to the ground by police. The stunt...

Biden’s Blarney on Bank Fees
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Inflation deflection is playbook propaganda. On January 14, the White House issued an emotionally charged bulletin on overdraft fees. It outdid itself, packing the release with vituperative claims that overdraft fees were sneaky, hidden, just plain wrong, and exploitative, that they raked in excessive profits for the wealthy and padded the banks’ bottom lines, all at the expense of hardworking families. “Junk fees may not matter to the very wealthy, but they matter to most folks...

Covid Ushered In Internment Camp Complex
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
New World Order-infiltrated governments around the world were building internment camps for its peasants during the COVID plandemic -- will they soon be operational in the U.S.? While the world was under lockdown, while the world was being injected with a poison that murdered roughly 30 million people according to insurance actuaries, the NWO-infiltrated governments of the world were building internment camps for its peasants. 

Bombshell: CIA Contractors Colluded with Biden Campaign to Discredit Hunter Biden Laptop Story
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
“We knew that the rushed statement from the 51 former intelligence officials was a political maneuver between the Biden campaign and the intelligence community,” House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan states. Several signatories of the 2020 letter by 51 former intelligence officials claiming Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian “disinformation” were active contractors for the CIA, according to a new government report. A joint 31-page report by the House Judiciary Committee, the Select...

Democrat TX Judge Hidalgo Blames Trump For Illegal Alien Rape & Murder Of Teen Girl
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Left-wing judge engages in disgusting politicization of young girl's death Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo claimed the recent rape and murder of a 12-year-old Houston girl by a pair of illegal immigrants has nothing to do with Joe Biden’s open borders, and is instead Donald Trump’s fault. HOLY SHLIT. Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo brushes off the m*rd*r of Jocelyn Nungaray and suggests Republicans are to blame for her d*ath. Why do you care more about defending Biden’s open...

Shocker: Biden Campaign Refuses to Drug Test Joe Biden Before Debate
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Former president Trump had called for Biden, who's been hunkered down at Camp David all week, to undergo a drug test before the presidential debate. The Biden campaign has refused to commit to having Joe Biden undergo a drug test before his debate with former President Donald Trump on Thursday. Biden campaign spokesman Adrienne Elrod on CNN Tuesday refused to entertain the notion of Sleepy Joe taking a drug test before the presidential election. “Former President Trump...

Supreme Court Tosses Case Over Biden Coercion Of Social Media to Censor Free Speech
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Clearly it was easier to punt this one than focus on the mountain of evidence that the Biden administration and US intelligence agencies were directly pressuring social media platforms to censor free speech disfavorable to the regime. The Supreme Court on Wednesday tossed a case claiming that the Biden administration unlawfully coerced social media companies into removing content and banning users based on political views. In a 6-3 decision, the Court found that the plaintiffs...

WATCH: Prison Camps for Political Dissidents In All 50 States
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Over a hundred million Americans say that civil war is coming In a recent interview with Clayton Morris on Redacted, US Border Patrol agent turned filmmaker, J.J. Carrell, discussed his new documentary and the fact that prison facilities are being built in all fifty states to hold millions of political dissidents: Don’t miss: Government Contractor Exposes Planning of Profitable Lethal Injections 

74% of People Who Died After Covid Vaccination Were Killed by the Shot — Study
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Got the shot and died? It was probably the shot that killed you - a previously censored, now peer reviewed study indicates. Last year a study conducted by Dr. Peter McCullough was published as a preprint and censored within 24 hours. It was republished following peer review Friday. It detailed how three-quarters of those who died after being injected with the Covid gene therapy technology died as a result of the shot. “We found that 73.9% of deaths were directly due to or significantly...

World’s First Carbon Tax Arrives In Denmark: Cow & Pig Farts Used As Excuse To Destroy Food Supply
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
'Climate change' being used to initiate dystopian agenda. The globalists are launching a test operation in Denmark where “green” climate policies are being used to destroy the nation’s agriculture, an agenda that will soon spread worldwide. AP reports: “Denmark will tax livestock farmers for the greenhouse gases emitted by their cows, sheep and pigs from 2030, the first country in the world to do so as it targets a major source of methane emissions, one of the most potent...

Big Pharma at Warp Speed: Military at Heart of Covid Injection Program — Document
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
The military connection to the Covid vaccine goes deep. A statement of work document from the Department of the U.S. Army, Contracting Command, dated July 21, 2020 detailed the financial cooperation between the military and pharmaceutical companies in respect to the Covid vaccination program. “Based upon the acceptable update of Pfizer, Inc.’s proposal for “COVID-19 Pandemic — Large ScaleVaccine Manufacturing Demonstration” and 1) The Project Agreement Recipient’s concurrence withthe...

Ex-GOP Rep. Kinzinger Endorses Biden
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
RINO warmonger officially supports Biden presidential campaign Former Illinois Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger released a video on X announcing he supports Sleepy Joe Biden’s presidential campaign. “As a proud conservative, I’ve always put democracy and our Constitution above all else. And it’s because of my unwavering support for democracy, that today, as a proud conservative, I’m endorsing Joe Biden for re-election,” Kinzinger said in a Wednesday post. As a...

First Amendment Bloodbath: Supreme Court Rules Federal Government Can Censor Americans Online! Ruling Legalizes Election Interference By Deep State — Watch LIVE
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Controversial firebrand Nick Fuentes joins Alex Jones LIVE for a serious discussion on the planet’s most important issues. Do NOT miss this! Watch & share this explosive edition of the most banned broadcast in the world: Alex Jones has returned to X! Follow him at @RealAlexJones! Alex Jones joins Mug Club! Be a part of this new era by channeling your support HERE at and get one month FREE when you sign up! Stay informed and...

UPDATE: Infowars’ Future to be Determined Today as Legal Roller-Coaster Continues
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Today could be the day, but maybe not. On Tuesday Alex Jones broke down how there’s a chance Infowars will be shut down on Wednesday. Don’t miss: BREAKING: Documents Show Government Knew COVID Shot Takes Over The Human Body 

Germany: Young Man Dies After Beating by Migrant Gang as he Walked Home From Sister’s Graduation Party
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
20-year-old Philippos was induced into a coma after the devastating attack, but he has since died from his injuries. A 20-year-old German national, beaten into a coma on Sunday evening by several members of a migrant gang, has died in hospital as a result of his injuries. Philippos and his 19-year-old friend were returning home from a graduation party in the North Rhine-Westphalia town of Bad Oeynhausen at around 1:30 a.m. on Sunday when around 10 migrant males confronted them....

‘Impossible’: FDA’s Fast Review of Pfizer Vaccine Sparks Debate on Thoroughness
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Experts say that properly analyzing millions of pages of individual participant data would require at least six months, raising questions about the emergency authorization process used to get Pfizer’s COVID-19 shots to market. In 2020, governments around the world imposed brutal lockdowns across the population, promising a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine was just around the corner. The Trump administration made no secret of the fact that it wanted the U.S. Food and Drug Administration...

African Attacker Dies in Botched Bombing of Arab-Owned Restaurant in Germany
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
According to eyewitnesses, the attacker spilled a bottle of liquid that exploded outside the targeted Arab-owned restaurant in Solingen, burning himself and later dying as a result of his injuries. One person has died and four others were injured after an African man detonated an explosive device outside a restaurant in the German city of Solingen on Tuesday. The incident occurred shortly after 2 p.m. outside residential and commercial premises on Konrad-Adenauer-Straße in the...

Biden Told NOT To Talk About His Own Record But To Attack Trump During Debate
The People's Voice
Democratic Party leaders have advised Biden’s reelection campaign to avoid trying to tout the president’s supposed accomplishments and instead focus on attacking his challenger Donald Trump. According to CNN Several top Democrats have issued “stark [...] The post Biden Told NOT To Talk About His Own Record But To Attack Trump During Debate appeared first on The People's Voice.

Another ‘Vaccine Passport’ Bill Fails to Pass in New York Where Medical Legislation is Disguised so the Nanny-State can Impose Vaccine Mandates Later
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
The original law was an “opt-in” law, where consent had to be in writing. This is different. The new law in New York was tricky and would have replaced “opt-in” with “opt-out” so nobody would have to get the patient’s written or verbal permission, it would be up to the patient to ask about it and activate “opt-out.” New York is the city and state where legislation to remove medical rights and privacy masquerades as “options” so the medical-police-state can later impose vaccine mandates and...

VIDEO: Trump has Always Been for Highly Skilled Legal Immigration, Alex Jones Responds
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Trump agrees with Biden on legal immigration, some people are mad, Alex Jones breaks it down in-depth. On the Tuesday show Alex Jones discussed how Donald Trump supports legal immigration for skilled workers. Don’t miss: BREAKING: Documents Show Government Knew COVID Shot Takes Over The Human Body 

Macron Warns France Faces Civil War If Far Right Or Left Win Election
The People's Voice
French President Emmanuel Macron has warned that the upcoming parliamentary elections in France could lead to civil war if political parties on either the far-left or the far-right sweep to power. He also believes that [...] The post Macron Warns France Faces Civil War If Far Right Or Left Win Election appeared first on The People's Voice.

Hillary Clinton Once Proposed Getting Rid Of A Assange With A Drone
The People's Voice
Hillary Clinton once proposed using a drone strike to permanently silence Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. When asked about her comments, she claimed she could not recall making them! During a Nov. 23, 2010 meeting with [...] The post Hillary Clinton Once Proposed Getting Rid Of A Assange With A Drone appeared first on The People's Voice.

Canadian Tribunal Awards Gender-Confused Man $35K After Spa Refuses to Wax Him
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Remember when the LGBT movement’s favorite argument was: 'How does any of this hurt you?' The answer is: Female salon workers can be forced to wax trans-identifying customers—or face brutal penalties. (LifeSiteNews) — In March 24, a trans-identifying customer using the pseudonym “A.B.” filed a human rights application at the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario against a beauty salon called Mad Wax Windsor Inc. A.B. had called by phone to book an appointment and claims that he was refused a leg...

Joe Rogan Exposes the Mysterious Murder of Seth Rich & Its Ties to the DNC
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
DNC leaker likely added to the Clinton Body Count/ On the Tuesday show Alex Jones broke down a clip of Joe Rogan talking about the murder of Democrat National Committee leaker Seth Rich. Don’t miss: BREAKING: Documents Show Government Knew COVID Shot Takes Over The Human Body 

Doctors Have Become Government Employees who Simply Obey the Deep State
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Doctors are just soldiers in a massive chemical army. The United Kingdom’s People’s Vaccine Inquiry has commenced in response to the government-led U.K. COVID Inquiry indefinitely postponing its promised inquiry into Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines.” After the U.K. COVID Inquiry announced back in January that its planned Summer 2024 Module 4 hearing was being rescheduled, a group of concerned professionals took a page from the Canadian National Citizens Inquiry by launching...

German Health Officials Caved to Political Pressure on Covid Policies, Newly Released Documents Show
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
German Health Officials Caved to Political Pressure on COVID Policies, Newly Released Documents Show. Newly released internal documents from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Germany’s federal disease control and prevention agency, reveal a stark disconnect between expert knowledge and public health messaging during the COVID-19 pandemic. Stefan Homburg, a public finance expert and retired professor from Leibniz University of Hanover, brought “seven shocking RKI files” to the attention...

Republicans Demand Health Officials Investigate Transgender ‘Child Abuse,’ Fraud at Texas Hospital
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Republican Texas Reps. Brian Harrison and Mayes Middleton told the state health commissioner and health inspector they ‘refuse to sit idly by while children are being harmed in our state and our constituents are being forced to fund it.’ AUSTIN (LifeSiteNews) — Texas Republican lawmakers have formally asked the Texas Health & Human Services Commission to investigate claims that Texas Children’s Hospital (TCH) has been committing both child abuse and Medicaid fraud in its “gender reassignment”...

Mastercard to Expand Digital Biometric ID & ‘Behavioral Biometrics’
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
“It could be a hand scanner, face scanner, whatever. And then you are authorized." When it comes to privacy and overall security of some of people’s most sensitive (financial, but also, “behavioral”) biometric data, massive global banks and payment processors, and burgeoning biometric surveillance was always going to be that perfect “match made in hell.” And that reality is gradually taking shape. Not only is biometric tech and its ubiquitousness increasing (still in most countries...

CNN Threatens To Shut Down Pro-Trump Accounts Who Cover Presidential Debate
The People's Voice
CNN has threatened to shut down independent media and pro-Trump social media accounts who cover the upcoming 2024 Presidential debate on Thursday. CNN’s legal teams say they are on standby to silence voices on social [...] The post CNN Threatens To Shut Down Pro-Trump Accounts Who Cover Presidential Debate appeared first on The People's Voice.

Roșie O’Donnell: ‘I Will Not Allow My 10-Year-Old Daughter To Have a Gender’
The People's Voice
Rosie O’Donnell has revealed that she is no longer referring to her 10-year-old daughter as a “girl or female” and is instead using strict gender neutral terms such as “they and them.” During an appearance [...] The post Roșie O’Donnell: ‘I Will Not Allow My 10-Year-Old Daughter To Have a Gender’ appeared first on The People's Voice.

WEF-Controlled Finland Mandates Experimental Bird Flu Vaccine for Millions of Citizens
The People's Voice
The WEF-controlled nation of Finland has become the first country to begin vaccinating millions of citizens with the experimental bird flu vaccine. According to reports, Finland has procured the Gates-funded vaccine in order to protect [...] The post WEF-Controlled Finland Mandates Experimental Bird Flu Vaccine for Millions of Citizens appeared first on The People's Voice.

WATCH Protesters Storm Kenyan Parliament
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
The US ally’s government recently hiked tax rates at the IMF’s request. Hundreds of Kenyans protesting the government’s plan to raise taxes have broken into the parliament building in Nairobi, as some lawmakers cowered in the basement. At least five people were killed in clashes with police who were reinforced by the Kenyan military. Tuesday’s riot began after the legislature voted 195-106 to pass the government’s 2024 Finance Bill, which envisioned tax increases to drum up $2.7...

In 2025, all Draftable US Women Will be Force-Vaccinated with Deadly mRNA Spike Proteins by the Medical/Military Industrial Complex
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
The Biden Regime wants WWIII as part of the communist plan to wreck America and force-inject (eliminate) all military members in one fell swoop.BREAKING: Documents Show Government Knew COVID Shot Takes Over The Human Body There’s a lot more to the draft these days than just readying and sending soldiers into the meat grinders of the political mass-embezzlement schemes, a.k.a. the military industrial complex. Now Big Pharma has its teeth sunk in deep, and every military member drafted next...

WEF To Implant Prisoners With Brain Chips To ‘Erase Consciousness’ and ‘Induce Compliance’
The People's Voice
A team of WEF scientists want governments around the world to begin implanting new microchips into the brains of prisoners which they say will “erase their consciousness” and replace it with a new compliant personality. [...] The post WEF To Implant Prisoners With Brain Chips To ‘Erase Consciousness’ and ‘Induce Compliance’ appeared first on The People's Voice.

15. Oktober 2024

Infowars’ Owen Shroyer Debates Leftist Destiny on Trump-Harris Election: WATCH LIVE! Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind! Epic show...