Freitag, 12. Januar 2024

USA Breaking News

China Unveils World’s First ‘Invisibility Cloak’
The People's Voice
China has unveiled the world’s first invisibility cloak – bringing humanity one step closer to the realm of Harry Potter. Take a look: reports: Here’s the IndianExpress covering the invention: Chinese researcher Chu Junhao has pushed [...] The post China Unveils World’s First ‘Invisibility Cloak’ appeared first on The People's Voice.

WEF Predicts New ‘Disease X’ Will Kill BILLIONS by 2030
The People's Voice
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has predicted that a new ‘Disease X’ will wipe out billions of humans by the year 2030. The 2024 agenda is one for the ages. Attendees will be required to watch [...] The post WEF Predicts New ‘Disease X’ Will Kill BILLIONS by 2030 appeared first on The People's Voice.

Johns Hopkins DEI Officer Publishes Diversity Hit List Labeling Able-Bodied, Christians, English Speakers as ‘Privileged’
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Heterosexuals, 'cisgender' and middle-aged people also listed as granted 'privilege.' A “woke” newsletter disseminated to staff at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, reminds employees that “privilege” isn’t just reserved for white people, but is also enjoyed by non-handicapped people, Christians, middle class wage earners and even people who know how to speak English. The absurd newsletter from Johns Hopkins’ Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Health Equity points out the...

Paranoid Dems Introduce Unconstitutional Bill Banning Militias
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Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and Congressman Jamie Raskin (MD-08) behind outrageous legislation Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and Congressman Jamie Raskin (MD-08) introduced legislation on Thursday that would effectively outlaw militias in America. The proposal highlights Democrats’ complete disregard for the U.S. Constitution as the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights clearly states, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of...

Clown World: Canadian Police Warn Posting Videos of Package Thieves Could ‘Violate’ Their Privacy
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
'You cannot post the images yourself because you have to remember, in Canada, we have a presumption of innocence,' claims Quebec police officer. Citizens of Quebec, Canada, are being told they can’t share footage of thieves stealing packages from their homes, with police claiming that doing so could violate the privacy of the criminals. A CTV News report on an epidemic of package thieves warned residents against uploading and sharing footage from their home surveillance cameras showing...

The Collapse Is Here: Starvation, Immigration, And Inflation Are The Second Phase Of The Globalists’ Attack on Humanity
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Get prepared because times are going to get rough Alex Jones describes how we’re entering the second phase of the globalists’ total destruction of civilization. 

Insane Footage: Journalist Sneaks Into NYC Migrant Center, Exposing Biden’s Border Crisis
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Elon Musk asks, 'Why are they hiding these centers?' A concerned American provided the nation with a rare look into a New York City illegal immigrant holding facility this week by rushing past security and filming the Randall’s Island migrant center. “Excuse me. Hey, sir!” shouted workers guarding a gate at the government-run illegal alien facility. Inside a massive tent, which the video claims is one of many located on the grounds, hundreds of illegals were seen hanging...

Democrat Insider Warns Michelle Obama’s History As a Man Is Being Exposed
The People's Voice
Barack Obama has laid the groundwork to push Biden out and promote his wife Michelle Obama to the role of Democrat presidential nominee, as Biden’s disastrous 2024 re-election campaign continues to make dumpster fires look [...] The post Democrat Insider Warns Michelle Obama’s History As a Man Is Being Exposed appeared first on The People's Voice.

‘His Age is an Asset’: MSM Trots Out Jill Biden to Run Cover for 81-Year-Old Sleepy Joe
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MSNBC brings on Dr. Jill and Pelosi MSNBC on Thursday attempted to run cover for Joe Biden and assuage voters’ concerns over his age by having his wife, First Lady “Dr.” Jill Biden, vouch for him. Check out lowlights from the Morning Joe interview excerpted by RNC Research: Jill Biden, Ed.D.: "I see Joe every day… I see his VIGOR!"— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 11, 2024 Jill Biden, Ed.D., defends Biden's record low approval...

Swedish Ministers Warn Of Attack From Russia, Setting Stage For False Flag Event
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
WWIII-level escalation could soon take place Will NATO use a false flag attack against Sweden blamed on Russia to assert its dominance and expand the Ukraine-Russia war? 

Vivek Warns ‘The System’ Will Force Haley-DeSantis Ticket To Bring Down Trump
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
"This system will stop at nothing - and I mean nothing - to eliminate Donald Trump from contention." Given Donald Trump’s absolute dominance over the current 2024 GOP field, Vivek Ramaswamy has a prediction: Nikki Haley will become the establishment’s ‘puppet’ candidate, and Ron DeSantis will be forced to join her ticket as VP. “Here’s the plot: 1. Narrow this to a 2-horse race between Trump & a puppet they can control. 2. Eliminate Trump. 3. Trot their puppet into...

“Close the Borders” – Democrat NY Official Demands Biden End Invasion Immediately
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
“There are no ‘tools to find.’ There are no ‘new words to invent.’ It’s plain English: close the borders.” A Democrat official from New York is demanding the Biden regime “close the borders” immediately to end the ongoing invasion of her state and the nation at large. NY Assemblywoman Jaime Williams asserts the federal government has no excuses nor time to waste when it comes to halting illegal entries into the United States and mitigating the catastrophic effects of the Biden...

The WHO’s Managerial Gambit: Local Officials Can Enforce Biomedical Tyranny — But No One Will be Held Accountable
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Technocrats learned a lot from Covid. Under new proposals, the WHO will become the directing mind and will of global health. The WHO proposals are a shell game. The scheme will provide cover to domestic public health authorities. Power will be ubiquitous but no one will be accountable. On Friday, Bret Weinstein warned of impending tyranny from the World Health Organization. “We are in the middle of a coup,” the evolutionary biologist and podcaster told Tucker Carlson on X. The WHO’s new pandemic...

World Economic Forum Deems Free Speech The Greatest Risk To Their Global Agenda
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Right to express opinions being suppressed under the guise of 'misinformation' Alex Jones breaks down how the WEF’s list of potential risks in the coming year puts free speech directly in their crosshairs, calling it, “misinformation and disinformation.” That means the tip of the spear in the information war – Infowars – is directly in the way of the eugenicist agenda being openly rolled out by the NWO. 

Watch: Trump Town Hall Highlights – Teflon Don Slams Biden, Endless Wars, Open Borders & More!
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
'I had no wars,' Trump told the crowd. 'I'm the only president in 72 years, I didn't have any wars.' During Wednesday’s Fox News Iowa Town Hall event, presidential frontrunner Donald Trump displayed his feisty, quick-witted temperament that has gained the adoration of millions of Americans. The televised discussion was scheduled at the same time as the GOP presidential debate between Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis. Speaking on a variety of issues, the leading GOP candidate...

Can an Easy Money Policy Increase Employment of “Idle Resources”?
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
So-called experts believe the government must increase the overall demand in the economy since stronger demand will permit idle resources to be employed again. Hence, many economists recommend that the central bank adopt an easy monetary stance to strengthen aggregate demand. Whenever an economy falls into a recession, many economists point out that the economic slump means there will be idle capital and labor. Resources that could be employed are now unemployed because the economic slump...

The EU Wants to Spy on Europeans’ Internet Use
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
In these past few years, outright censorship in all its forms has increased. During the covid lunacy, government and industry partnered to create a censorship-industrial complex to more efficiently promote false narratives and suppress dissidents. The European Commission is an EU legislative body with regulatory authority over digital technology. The EC’s eIDAS Article 45, a proposed regulation, would deliberately weaken areas of internet security that the industry has carefully evolved...

‘Joe Must Win – We Cannot Let Go of Our Democracy’ Says Jill Biden
The People's Voice
First lady Jill Biden said Thursday Appearing on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” Thursday, the First Lady said that her husband Joe Biden, must win the 2024 election. Jill Biden calimed he has to win because “we cannot [...] The post ‘Joe Must Win – We Cannot Let Go of Our Democracy’ Says Jill Biden appeared first on The People's Voice.

WEF Holding Urgent ‘Disease X’ Tabletop Exercises: ’20 Times More Casualties Than Covid’
The People's Voice
Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum are holding a tabletop exercise this week regarding the mysterious “Disease X” which they claim will claim “20 times more casualties than the Covid pandemic.” According to the [...] The post WEF Holding Urgent ‘Disease X’ Tabletop Exercises: ’20 Times More Casualties Than Covid’ appeared first on The People's Voice.

Zelensky Visits Baltic States Begging For More Weapons
The People's Voice
Volodymyr Zelensky has arrived in Latvia, the final stop on his Baltic mini-tour where he has been appealing for further support, particularly in the form of missiles for Ukraine’s air defence system. Ukraine has proven [...] The post Zelensky Visits Baltic States Begging For More Weapons appeared first on The People's Voice.

Chris Christie and Mike Pence Vow To ‘Endorse Biden’ and ‘Leave GOP’ If Trump Wins Nomination
The People's Voice
Failed Republican presidential candidates Chris Christie and Mike Pence have promised to endorse Joe Biden and resign from the Republican party if Donald Trump wins the GOP nomination, according to reports. Christie recently dropped out [...] The post Chris Christie and Mike Pence Vow To ‘Endorse Biden’ and ‘Leave GOP’ If Trump Wins Nomination appeared first on The People's Voice.

CNN Admits All Gaza Coverage Is Run Through Bureau Monitored By Israeli Military Censor
The People's Voice
CNN has long been criticized by media analysts and journalists for its deference to the Israeli government and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) regarding its coverage of the occupied Palestinian territories. The cable network has [...] The post CNN Admits All Gaza Coverage Is Run Through Bureau Monitored By Israeli Military Censor appeared first on The People's Voice.

Update: ‘Election Interference at the Highest Level’: Trump Blasts Sham NY Trial Outside Courthouse
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'It's a disgrace. It's in coordination with the White House and Joe Biden because he can't win a campaign fairly.' Update: Trump reportedly spoke up in court attacking Judge Arthur Engoron amid the trial, with the judge asking counsel to “control your client.” Trump just spoke in court — a full stream of consciousness moment. He attacked Judge Engoron to his face. Engoron told Trump's lawyer to "control your client." Engoron eventually cut off Trump.— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1)...

No One Is Coming To Save You: Alex Jones Tells America The Hard Truth, “Our Military Is Captured”
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
It's time to take personal responsibility for yourself and your family by getting prepared for a Black Swan event as the media keeps warning During Wednesday’s edition of The Alex Jones Show, the eponymous host detailed how the globalists captured the U.S. military at top levels and are actively weeding out all true patriots within the armed forces. Don’t forget, Infowars relies on YOUR SUPPORT! To continue funding this independent operation,...

SHOCK VIDEO: New York Schools Closed To House Illegal Aliens
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
YOU are now second class citizens Alex Jones covers the news of a NYC school being closed for students to house illegal immigrants instead. 

17 Million Murdered By COVID Vaccines and Voodoo Death
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
The people and groups responsible for this attack on humanity must be brought to justice before they kill again Watch and share this epic Greg Reese report diving into the groundbreaking research of Denis Rancourt. 

New VAXELIS Injection Jabs Children with Six Different Vaccines All At Once
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Children expected to take six-in-one VAXELIS three times for a total of 18 vaccines. A new six-in-one vaccine for children has hit the market. And Dr. Shannon Kroner, author of “I’m Unvaccinated and That’s OK!” and executive director of Freedom of Religion – United Solutions (FOR-US), has the goods on what the new shot contains and entails for America’s children. NEW CHILDHOOD VACCINE ALERT!! It’s called VAXELIS and it has 6 (yes SIX) vaccines in one shot. Here are the facts:...

Ramaswamy Demands Media Apologize For Spewing Misinformation
The People's Voice
Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has asked members of the press to apologize for spewing misinformation about a Trump-Russia collusion to the American people. He also went on to ask if they felt responsible for [...] The post Ramaswamy Demands Media Apologize For Spewing Misinformation appeared first on The People's Voice.

Canadian Church Fires Linked to Indigenous Mass Graves Scandal – Report
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Just two of 33 blazes at Canadian churches since May 2021 have been ruled as accidental A spate of fires at Christian churches in Canada could be linked to the discovery of suspected mass graves of indigenous children on the grounds of residential schools previously operated by the Catholic Church, CBC has reported. At least 33 churches were destroyed or badly damaged by fire between May 2021 and December 2023, the Canadian broadcaster said in a report on Wednesday, with just two...

White House Supports Seizure of Russian Assets – Report
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Biden administration sees the move as a way of making Moscow pay for damage done to Ukraine The White House supports the idea of confiscating Russian assets that have been frozen since the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine, Bloomberg has reported, citing a US National Security Council (NSC) memo. The NSC – which is the US president’s principal forum for considering national security, military and foreign policy matters – forwarded the document to the Senate Foreign Relations...

Chris Christie Drops Out of 2024 Presidential Race
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Former NJ governor vows to not "enable Donald Trump to ever be president of the United States again." Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie during a town hall meeting confirmed that he is suspending his presidential run in this year’s US election. “I’m suspending my campaign tonight for president of the United States,” Christie said during remarks in the state of New Hampshire. Christie said he suspended his campaign because there is no “clear path” for him to win...

‘Haley Is Gonna Get Smoked’ – Christie Caught On Hot Mic Before Quitting GOP Race
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Trump and DeSantis jump on the opportunity to amplify Christie's resounding non-endorsement of Haley Chris Christie’s withdrawal from the 2024 GOP presidential field surely brought smiles to rival Nikki Haley — until a hot mic caught the former New Jersey governor scoffing at Haley’s political prospects as he chatted backstage moments before officially announcing he was bailing out. “She’s gonna get smoked,” said Christie.  Christie’s candor offered an amusingly blunt counterpoint to...

Thursday LIVE! NYC Mayor Panics as Taxpayers Flee City
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Watch & share this LIVE broadcast! Watch & share today’s edition of The American Journal that’s live every weekday from 8-11 am CST: Secure a limited edition autographed copy of Alex Jones’ latest book ‘The Great Awakening’ TODAY! Alex Jones joins Mug Club! Be a part of this new era by channeling your support HERE at and get one month FREE when you sign up! Follow The American Journal on Telegram: Survival...

US Beef Output Slides As Blizzard Disrupts Midwest Meat Plants
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Bloomberg reports two major beef packers idled operations in Kansas this week as blizzard conditions left workers unable to traverse roadways. A powerful winter storm swept across the country’s midsection on Monday, dumping more than a foot of snow in some areas and shutting down highways in several Midwest states. Adverse weather conditions also closed major meatpacking plants. Bloomberg reports two major beef packers idled operations in Kansas this week as blizzard conditions left...

Speaker Johnson Pledges To Stand ‘Shoulder To Shoulder’ For ‘Defense Of Taiwan’
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
"We certainly want to help in the defense of Taiwan, which is very important. We want to deter the Chinese Communist Party and any military provocations." House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) met with Taiwan’s US envoy at the US Capitol on Tuesday, after which he vowed to continue supporting the Taiwanese people against Chinese aggression. “We stand shoulder to shoulder with the Taiwanese people,” Johnson told reporters, adding “We certainly want to help in the defense of Taiwan, which is...

Shock Video: California Jewelry Store Worker Shoots Masked Marauders During Armed Robbery
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Suspect struck by own getaway car while fleeing scene An armed employee sent gun-wielding thugs fleeing for their lives during an attempted robbery at a jewelry shop in California this week, according to reports.  The shocking incident unfolded at around 10 a.m. on Monday in Oakland. Masked and hooded suspects with firearms drawn stormed Cash for Gold MSM Jewelry in the Fruitvale neighborhood after pulling up on the wrong side of the road.  A quick-acting...

Pfizer Attempts To Dismiss Texas Lawsuit That Accused It of Working To Censor Vaccine Criticism
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Pfizer claims the Texas court has no authority. It is no exaggeration to say that one of Big Pharma’s biggest players, Pfizer, has had an excellent pandemic – over $100 billion in revenue in 2022 alone. The rate at which this growth has been declining since Covid apparently made a disappearing act and the number of people willing to be vaccinated against it decreased dramatically, speaks clearly to how important the jab it produced in record time has been to Pfizer. It...

Your Vehicle Is Spying On You, And Now They Are Going To Start Installing ChatGPT In New Volkswagen Models
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Report released by Mozilla Foundation states vehicles are 'the official worst category of products for privacy.' Be careful what you say while you are driving your vehicle, because you are being watched.  Today, we live in a giant surveillance prison in which virtually everything that we do is being monitored, tracked, recorded and analyzed.  In this day and age, you should just assume that nothing that you do is ever private.  When I was much younger, if I really wanted to have a private...

UK Parliament Cold, Damp, and Mice-Infested – Politico
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Renovations to the London landmark have been repeatedly postponed, despite complaints from staffers and watchdogs. Politicians and aides alike “dread” coming to work at Westminster Palace, Politico reported on Tuesday, describing how the crumbling Victorian building is driving them to work elsewhere in order to avoid the cold, the mold, and the rodents.  British lawmakers returned to work at the House of Commons on Monday, as the Met Office warned that freezing temperatures will...

Is Vivek Ramaswamy the Top Pick for VP in 2024?
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
GOP presidential candidate clearly most popular choice among pro-Trump MAGA movement Owen Shroyer breaks down the latest clip of Vivek Ramaswamy calling out the lying mainstream media, and goes down the list of top potential Donald Trump vice presidential running mates for 2024. Don’t forget, Infowars relies on YOUR SUPPORT! To continue funding this independent operation, we urge you to visit the Infowars Store where you can fund the battle against...

Will The Texas Power Grid Survive Next Week’s Polar Vortex?
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Not everyone trusts the grid operator following the devastating blackout three years ago The National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center forecasts extreme cold weather “across the heart of the country this weekend and is expected to continue into next week.” We previewed this cold blast in a note titled “Gobsmackingly Bananas”: Weather Models Predict Polar Vortex Invasion Into US.  Frigid Arctic air will begin to spread southward across the heart of the country this weekend...

15. Oktober 2024

Infowars’ Owen Shroyer Debates Leftist Destiny on Trump-Harris Election: WATCH LIVE! Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind! Epic show...