Mittwoch, 23. August 2023

USA News

Dear readers,

Here in the Anti-Mainstream at you will find the most important information at a glance every day. 

Concentrating on the essentials saves you a lot of time and research effort. 

BREAKING: Houston Doctor Reports on Exploding COVID Cases, New Lockdown Developments
Americans need to learn more about the dangers of the medical establishment's recommended treatments!
Watch: Cops Intervene as Antifa Trannies Clash with “Leave Our Kids Alone” Protesters in LA
Far-left activists blocked off parents' rights march route, prompting police to get involved as the two groups began clashing.

Bioweapon Attack: Bill Gates Wants to Depopulate the Planet With mRNA Tech
The people are under assault by the elite's high-tech weapons

Breaking! Biden Regime to Use $1.4 BILLION of Taxpayer Cash to Bankroll MORE Covid Vaccines
Biden regime to enrich Big Pharma with more taxpayer cash to continue development of ineffective but profitable COVID injections.

Deep State Plans to Kill Trump – Stew Peters Warns The World!
When they can't win a fair competition, the elite will resort to drastic measures

Mark of the Beast? Bill Gates Unveils National Digital ID Slave System
'A nationwide Digital ID won’t make it easier for gov’t to provide services — it will make it easier for gov’t to shut you out of services,' says cyber security expert.

Try THAT In A Small Town! Man Shoots Thief While Holding Six-Pack Of Beer
Video shows moment robber shot by gun-toting bystander

MSM Admits COVID Lockdowns Returning as Infowars is Proven Right Again
It's time for mass peaceful resistance to the next wave of government tyranny

Alex Jones Exposes The ‘Satanic Devil System’ of Big Pharma Murder Products
Watch and share this flashback video to show the world how Infowars is always ahead of mainstream media!

Reality Check: Child Predators Who Think They’re Meeting Underage Boys Instead Encounter Half-Naked Bodybuilder ‘Tyrone’
“You’re about to have sex with a GROWN MAN!” Tyrone shouts. “Yessir, that’s who he came here to have sex with — I’m ready!”

WATCH: Sparks Fly as Plane Badly Damaged During Landing at California Airport
Passengers sense danger moments before harrowing touch-down at John Wayne Airport

Hunter Biden Special Counsel Weiss Worked With ‘Hand-in-Glove’ Beau Biden For Years!
The fix was in from the beginning of this rigged "investigation."

‘It Was SO Easy to Get Into the U.S.’: Border Patrol Ordered to Keep ‘Floodgates’ Wide Open For Illegal Aliens to Pour Through
"Nothing like our journey through Mexico. That part was hard. I thought there was going to be more security," migrant says.

Pre-Teen Suspect Arrested for Armed Carjacking in Washington DC
Carjackings have doubled in nation's capital since last year

Former FDA Director Warns of New Highly Mutated COVID Variant — But Says Vaccines On The Way!
Pfizer already on track to bring new booster jab to market in mid-September.

Alex Jones On Bannon’s War Room – Covid Lockdowns Incoming, Maui Fires Pave Way For Landgrabs & More!
American political giants join forces to expose the next wave of NWO attacks

Media Now Demands Democrats Remove Trump From 2024 Ballot Nationwide After Indictments Flop
As four Deep State indictments fail to tarnish Trump's political standing, leftists now argue Trump's involvement in January 6 disqualifies him from running for office in 2024.

Furious Hawaiians Shame Biden After He Took 2 Vacations Before Arriving to Disaster Area 13 Days Later
"Thanks for nothing! F*ck you! F*ck you! F*ck you!" residents shout as Biden motorcade cruises by.

Plan to Kill 90% of the Population Announced by Gates/Kerry
The evil agenda of the elite is being publicly announced

VIDEO: 75% of Vaxx-Induced Myocarditis Victims Will Die
You may be saving lives by sharing this link

They Were Too White
If it's white, it ain't alright.

Council Meeting in Upscale California Town Erupts Into Chaos Over Homeless Housing
Proposal will cost $33 million to house homeless in local hotel

Fifteen Countries May Join BRICS New Development Bank
New Development Bank president announces plans to start lending in South African, Brazilian currencies as part of efforts to reduce reliance on U.S. dollar

Peter Schiff: Bidenomics Is a Disaster
"What has Biden done other than increase government spending and add extra regulations into the economy? There’s nothing economic about that. It’s just a complete disaster.”

US Doctors Were Financially Rewarded For Pushing The ‘Covid’ Jabs
The People's Voice
Millions of Americans were advised by their doctors to get “vaccinated” against the dreaded coronavirus It turns out that the doctors advice was given not because they actually cared about their patients, but rather because they [...] The post US Doctors Were Financially Rewarded For Pushing The ‘Covid’ Jabs appeared first on The People's Voice.

Biden Is Already Buying ‘Covid’ Equipment & Hiring Pandemic ‘Safety Protocol’ Enforcers
The People's Voice
The Biden adminsitration has already started to purchase Covid-19 equipment, like test kits, and hiring advisors on “safety protocols” according to an exclusive report from War Room. The war room finding follows hot on the [...] The post Biden Is Already Buying ‘Covid’ Equipment & Hiring Pandemic ‘Safety Protocol’ Enforcers appeared first on The People's Voice.

US College Reinstates Covid Mask Mandate & Social Distancing
The People's Voice
The fear propaganda machine has been turned on full blast and many institutions are starting to roll out covid policies. It is only the second week into the new school year and Morris Brown College [...] The post US College Reinstates Covid Mask Mandate & Social Distancing appeared first on The People's Voice.

‘Children Were Incinerated To Ash’: Livid Hawaiians Slam Biden For Cracking Jokes, Lying About Wife
"[Biden] is sightseeing and trying to be comic relief for the tour. No sense of what has happened there at all."

We’re All Suspects in a DNA Lineup, Waiting to be Matched with a Crime
Whatever skeletons may be lurking on your family tree or in your closet, whatever crimes you may have committed, whatever associations you may have with those on the government’s most wanted lists: the police state is determined to ferret them out.

Tuesday LIVE: World Awakens to Globalist Rollout of NEW Wave of Covid Tyranny! Tune In to Learn Tomorrow’s News Today!
And the clown show arrives to Hawaii: “I almost lost my Corvette!” Biden LIES about small kitchen fire to seem relatable to “livid” Maui victims!

CDC Director Brags Millions of Children Died Suddenly From COVID Jabs
The People's Voice
A bombshell report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has revealed that a staggering 120,000 American children “died suddenly” following the rollout of the mRNA Covid jabs. The disturbing news has [...] The post CDC Director Brags Millions of Children Died Suddenly From COVID Jabs appeared first on The People's Voice.

The UN Is Building a ‘Digital Army’ To Eradicate Non-Mainstream Content Online
The People's Voice
The UN has announced that it is building a “digital army” to completely eradicate the internet of all non-mainstream content. The UN is tripling down on its role as the internet police to “fight against [...] The post The UN Is Building a ‘Digital Army’ To Eradicate Non-Mainstream Content Online appeared first on The People's Voice.

Germany Caught Funnelling Billions to Bill Gates To Depopulate Country of ‘Undesirable Citizens’
The People's Voice
The German government has been caught funnelling billions of dollars in taxpayer money to Bill Gates to help them depopulate the country of “undesirable citizens.” According to an official parliamentary inquiry, the German government sent [...] The post Germany Caught Funnelling Billions to Bill Gates To Depopulate Country of ‘Undesirable Citizens’ appeared first on The People's Voice.

Democrats Propose Law That Will Allow Gangs To Shoot People at Night
The People's Voice
Democrats in Chicago have unveiled a new law that will give criminals the green light to shoot and kill people during nighttime hours. Chicago Alderman Maria Hadden sent an email to fellow Democratic lawmakers in [...] The post Democrats Propose Law That Will Allow Gangs To Shoot People at Night appeared first on The People's Voice.

15. Oktober 2024

Infowars’ Owen Shroyer Debates Leftist Destiny on Trump-Harris Election: WATCH LIVE! Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind! Epic show...